Quick | Law Group, PLLC

Brain Injury After an Assault

May 10, 2022 @ 09:54 PM — by Matt Quick
Tagged with: Brain Injury After Assault

A traumatic brain injury can develop when an external force causes damage to the tissues of the brain. Physical assault is a common cause of brain injury. Traumatic brain injuries can result in a wide range of symptoms that affect a person’s physical, cognitive, and emotional functions. Many of the symptoms of a brain injury are long-lasting.

Traumatic brain injury lawyers at Quick Law Group, PLLC, in Bellevue, WA, work with injury victims to hold liable parties accountable for brain injury damages after an assault. Our legal team gathers the evidence necessary to demonstrate the cause of a brain injury, and its consequences, so that injured parties can be justly compensated for the full extent of their losses.

Assault Resulting in Brain Injury

Many brain injuries are related to “accidental” incidents that are caused by another person’s careless or negligent actions, such as a car accident, a slip and fall, or a workplace accident. However, another common cause of brain injury is assault. Assault refers to any type of intentional and violent attack. Types of assault that can result in a brain injury include physical fights, robbery/muggings, rape or sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse.

The Unique Trauma of a Brain Injury Caused by Assault

Brain injuries have a widespread effect on a person’s physical and emotional functions, so regardless of the cause of a brain injury, it is difficult to deal with the after effects. However, brain injuries caused by assault tend to be particularly traumatizing. Accepting that someone purposefully caused injury is not easy, and it often alters a person’s ability to trust and feel safe moving forward. Many victims of assault experience anger, confusion, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder in the weeks, months, and years following their attack.

Can I Sue Someone for Brain Injury Damages if They Have Already Faced Criminal Charges?

Many people are under the impression that, if someone has faced criminal charges for assault, or has been convicted of the crime, that they cannot be pursued in civil court. This is not true. Whether a person has or has not been charged with assault has no bearing on a personal injury lawsuit. Criminal court and civil court are two completely separate entities. An assault conviction may actually be beneficial in civil court, because it helps in proving liability for brain injury damages.

Potential Damages

If assault victims are able to prove that another person or party caused their brain injury, they have the right to seek compensation for all related injury damages. Common sources of compensation for those of our Bellevue clients who have suffered a brain injury after assault include:

Contact Our Practice

If you or a loved one has been the victim of an assault that resulted in a brain injury, you may be due substantial financial compensation for your losses. To discuss your case with the traumatic brain injury lawyers at Quick Law Group, PLLC, send us a message online, or call (425) 576-8150 and schedule a consultation at our Bellevue practice.