Car Accidents Resulting in Brain Injury By Matt Quick on March 12, 2020

Scan of a brainCar accidents injure millions of Americans each year. The effects of car accident injuries can be devastating, especially when they affect the brain. A car accident involving a brain injury can have life-changing consequences. A traumatic brain injury can impact a person’s thought-process, their physical abilities, and their personality.

Brain injuries often require long-term care, which can result in steep financial losses. If a car accident is caused by another person or party, they should be held liable for accident damages. The team of car accident attorneys at Quick Law Group, PLLC will work to get our Bellevue, WA, clients the compensation they are due following an accident.

What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury is defined as a sudden injury to the brain that is caused by external force. Most often, a traumatic brain injury occurs when a person sustains a direct blow to the head, or when the head is jolted so severely that the brain moves around within the skull.

A traumatic brain injury often involves both primary and secondary injuries. The primary injuries are those that happen at the initial impact. This may include soft tissue damage to certain lobes of the brain or to the entire brain. Secondary injuries develop later. Primary injuries can cause the brain to swell and push against the skull, which may deprive the brain of oxygen and result in secondary injuries.

Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injuries

One of the most obvious symptoms of a traumatic brain injury is loss of consciousness. Even if a person loses consciousness for a very brief period of time, further injuries are likely to develop. If a person does not lose consciousness following an accident, that doesn’t mean they haven’t suffered a traumatic brain injury.

Other symptoms of a traumatic brain injury include:

  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty processing thoughts
  • Difficulty with speech
  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings and irritability

Symptoms of a traumatic brain injury do not always develop right away. If our Bellevue clients experience any of these symptoms in the days or weeks following a car accident, they should seek medical treatment.

Brain Injury Damages

A traumatic brain injury affects victims in numerous ways. The physical and emotional effects of the injury can limit a person’s capabilities and diminish their quality of life. Many require extensive time off work, and some are unable to return to their previous line of work altogether, due to injury effects.

Traumatic brain injuries are also likely to result in substantial medical bills. Just diagnosing a brain injury can be costly, as it requires many different types of scans and images. Once a brain injury is diagnosed, the patient is likely to require immediate medical care followed by ongoing rehabilitation or physical therapy.

Compensation for Damages

If a brain injury is caused by the reckless or negligent actions of another person or party, as is often the case with a car accident, then that person should be held liable for damages. Our legal team is prepared to examine the evidence of a car accident so that we can prove liability and build a case for financial compensation for our Bellevue clients. We will consider all avenues of loss so that our clients can be compensated to the maximum extent of the law.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has recently suffered a brain injury as the result of a car accident, the attorneys at Quick Law Group, PLLC are ready to fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Send us a message online at your earliest convenience, or call (425) 576-8150 to discuss your accident in further detail.

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Brad Fulton, Liz Quick, and Matt Quick

Quick Law Group, PLLC

At Quick Law Group, PLLC, our clients are given straightforward, candid advice about their legal situation, and they are always treated with respect as they deal with the legal and medical issues that result from an accident. Our accolades include:

  • Being named among the 20 Best Car Accident Attorneys in Bellevue
  • Being named a Top 100 Lawyer by the American Society of Legal Advocates
  • Having a 10.0 rating by Avvo

Contact us online or call us at (425) 576-8150 to schedule a free initial consultation with a lawyer. If we take your case, we will fight to collect maximum compensation for your injuries.

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