Quick | Law Group, PLLC

Long-Term Effects of Brain Injuries

Jun 24, 2020 @ 02:37 PM — by Matt Quick
Tagged with: Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

A traumatic brain injury is unique from other types of injuries because it can negatively affect a person’s physical, emotional, and cognitive functions. Not only that, but oftentimes the effects of a brain injury are long-lasting, which means that victims of a brain injury may deal with consequences for many years, or an entire lifetime.

When brain injury lawyers at Quick Law Group, PLLC, are fighting for compensation for their Bellevue, WA, clients, they carefully consider the long-term effects of brain injuries, and how they will impact the person’s quality of life and their ability to earn an income. These factors play a significant role in determining the amount of a just award settlement.

Long-Term Physical Effects

The brain acts as the mainframe of the body, playing a role in every thought, function, and action. If the damage of a brain injury is moderate or severe, the consequences of the injury can last for many months or years. Potential long-term physical effects of a traumatic brain injury include:

Ongoing Emotional Effects

Traumatic brain injuries often have an effect on our Bellevue clients’ emotional well-being. These types of symptoms can become apparent immediately, or they may develop over time, as the stress of the injury and its side effects continue to have a psychological impact. Ongoing emotional effects of a brain injury may include:

Long-Term Cognitive Complications

Another vital function of the brain is to process a person’s thoughts and reasoning. When the brain is injured, a person’s cognitive functions can be compromised over the long-term. Cognitive complications that may linger long after the initial recovery period for a traumatic brain injury include:

Calculating Awards for Long-Term Damages

When clients at our Bellevue office suffer a traumatic brain injury, we must assess all injury damages to determine an appropriate award settlement. It is vital that we consider not just the impact of past financial and emotional losses, but those that will continue into the future as well.

Long-term effects of a brain injury can dramatically impact a person’s quality of life. Any physical pain or emotional distress that a person will continue to deal with needs to be accounted for in an award settlement. If physical or emotional symptoms are ongoing, our clients will need to continue to seek medical treatment as well. Any anticipated future medical expenses should be calculated when seeking financial damages. Finally, the long-term effects of a brain injury may impact a person’s ability to earn income. If a person’s wage-earning potential is impacted by a brain injury, those financial losses should be compensated.

Contact Our Practice

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, it is important to hold liable parties accountable for your losses. To discuss your right to financial compensation with the lawyers at Quick Law Group, PLLC, send us a message at your earliest convenience, or call (425) 576-8150.